2018年9月5日 星期三


Bingo 對對碰

準備物品: 兩個白板布告欄(佈告欄上有九宮格題目,已有各課主題)、學生可翻閱課本(5-6)7-8題句子卡(提供磁鐵條)
遊戲說明: 1. 組長領取題目7題句子卡,分配組員一人一題
2.      討論區: 查詢課本、小組討論句子卡上的課文句子出處
3.      每人將自己的句子卡貼在佈告欄上
範例說明: 學生拿到7題句子
Ex. Many Taiwanese are scared of eating blue cheese because of its dark blue dots.
EX. Garbage, oil sills and overfishing have made the number of ocean fish and plants much lower than before.
EX. After the noticed a phone number on their beepers, they would find a phone to call back…..

