2018年9月5日 星期三


積木疊疊樂(Let’s play toy bricks.) 

準備物品: 抽出1個任務/ 一袋積木/一張桌子 (2)
遊戲說明: 1. 組員1,組員念題目排積木! 整組用接力方式一起完成任務即通過…..
         2. 若遇組員聽不懂指示,同組組員可協助(比手畫腳、英文提示No Chinese)
         3. 若組員犯規,再抽一題,重新開始….
* 提供關主解答圖片!
 1. There are a yellow brick, two blue bricks and 4 red ones. Two blue bricks are on the yellow one. 4 red ones are under the yellow one.

  2. There are two red bricks, three green bricks, two blue ones and a yellow one. Two blue ones are besides a yellow one. Three green bricks are on the two blue ones. Two red bricks are on a yellow one.

